Okay. I am first to admit I am not a politically active type of gal. For the better part of my life I have not been interested in politics at all. Even worse, [and please don’t hate me for this!] I was not even registered to vote for many many years. I just frankly didn’t care.
This year I care. I really wanted Hillary as President. I think we need a woman running this country. Men have governed for 200 years now. It’s never happened before, (a woman in control) and exactly why is that? When did men take over and we became the lesser, “weaker” sex? Too long ago to even try and keep track. It’s very sad. Women in ages long past were held in high regard as healers, rulers. Then we became “witches” to those who wanted us out of the picture. Mostly by the male gender. uh oh. I feel my hereby dormant feminist side raising its nasty fangs. Excuse me! But I digress ...
Having a black Presidential candidate is as ground-breaking as having a female one. I am probably sorely dating myself here by what I am about to say. When I was a child in the early sixties and we drove to Florida from our home in New York for vacation, we stopped in many southern locales. I clearly remember stopping at a motel in North Carolina and going into their adjoining restaurant which displayed a sign saying “No Blacks allowed inside. Service for Whites only.” I remember it like it was yesterday. [ahem, just when was that little tiff between the North and South?]
I have to admit I haven’t really paid much attention to Obama as focused as I was on Hillary, so I need to start listening and decide which is the lesser evil. I am a Democrat, but at this point does it make sense to vote for McCain? I don’t really like Barack that much from what I have seen and heard. His religion for one scares the pants right off me. Maybe scarier than a Republican viewpoint. ouch. How can I even be thinking of changing sides? But Reagan was a great President and he was a Republican, but the Republicans have had control now for many years and they just seem to be running this once great country right into the ground. On the other hand, McCain is pretty old to be taking on a Presidency. Then there is the unfortunate resemblance in names between Obama and that guy we have all been taught to hate (I’m sure I don’t have to mention his name here.). I am not the first one to mix his name up with the other one. Decisions, decisions.
Does it matter if Obama takes Hillary as his running mate? Just what does runner-up mean in the whole scheme of things, either in Miss America or the presidency? What are the odds of something happening to Obama and she takes over? Not very likely, so that doesn’t even sway my vote.
What a year to go down into history. Too bad it wasn’t a woman. bummer. Sorry, Hills.
Posted by Lynne on 06/05/2008 at 05:24 AM
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