This hummingbird moth has been visiting the bee balm late every afternoon. The balm is toward the end of its blooming cycle and must be getting sweeter every day. I just love these little creatures, they are fascinating!
Posted by Lynne on 07/22/2007 at 05:52 AM
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What a gorgeous pic! The moth looks so graceful, like a ballet dancer caught in mid turn.
Looking at all the slo mo movies like you have must have had interesting impacts on your brain, or is that just my imagination again? Are you noticing things differently?
Hope you’re doing ok emotionally. Thinking about you with a lot of love,
Posted by
Reya Mellicker on July 23 2007 at 06:15 AM
Marvelous Photo! Thinking of you…
Posted by
Cat on July 23 2007 at 08:19 AM
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