Friday, September 23, 2011

Catching up sans rats

I am so behind in posting photos of our walks! The re-threading of the serpentine belt was successful the other morning and took half the time of our messing around that night trying to achieve the same results. Thank goodness! Rick is my main auto mechanic! If I had been here by myself I would be stuck. Anyway, no more rat talk!

Old man sage.

The dogs do so love it up here.



Bella (dry version)

Bella (wet version)

We walked to the UFO landing sight (or at least that’s how we refer to it) which is just a barren circle of ground where nothing grows. Every year it yields up what I call Colorado Turquoise. This year it was just small nuggets, but I have a whole collection here at the cabin of larger stones.

The views are always expansive up here.

Not much left in the way of wildflowers, but still pretty even in their dried state.

Star arnica still blooming!

More pics coming soon!

Click on a picture to enlarge it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Somehow this got posted twice and in doing so messed up your previous post.  Just thought you might want to check it out.  Interesting about the UFO site,  Wonder why nothing grows there.  Is it part of your land?  Maybe there’s oil!!!  LOL

Thanks, it did do something strange, didn’t it? Not sure what happened, but it’s fixed now. What a mess! Yes, the UFO spot is on our land. Oil? Hmm, probably not and even if there is we don’t own any of the minerals, etc under the ground.

Love the turquois! Can you have anything done with it—to make jewelry? What a find!

BIgsis, it’s not really turquoise, I just call it that because it’s blue! I think it’s just copper. I don’t know how easy it would be to drill through it but I have had the same thoughts to make jewelry out of it. I left those bits there the other day but I might just go back to get them. It’s a really odd spot.

Nice gloves!  smile

Finding your “turquoise” reminds me of our time last week at LBI…. picking up shells and sea glass, drilling holes, making necklaces.  Good stuff that….

Maggie, leave it to a knitter to notice my gloves! These were the first fingerless mitts I made and they are still my fav. smile Cool that you found sea glass. I have a whole collection I should do something with. Some that I picked up on the beach in Panama too!

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