What is with people on craigslist? We had our solar pool cover and the reel advertised on craigslist for about a month. One guy said he wanted it and made arrangements to pick it up at a time that was not at all convenient for us. Rick worked from home that morning so he could be there to help take the reel apart. The appointed time came and went with no email, phone call, and the guy didn’t show up. Thank you (self-serving idiot)!
Fast forward to yesterday. Someone else wanted it, said they were bringing cash and would come to pick it up at 6:00 p.m. yesterday evening. Same scenario as above. No call, no email, no person.
We’ve now taken it off the list. We’ll wait until next spring and advertise it in the pool store and maybe someone with more integrity will want it.
And last night at 3:21 a.m. (or should I say in the wee hours of the morning this morning) we were once again rudely awakened by a huge BANG! Just one, but we both startled awake mumbling “what the heck was that?” It sounded very, very close. I couldn’t get back to sleep just knowing another one would probably be coming. I had sort of heard something in the distance before that but only on the fringes of my sleepy brain.
I did fall back asleep until 4:12 a.m. when another firework went off, this time not as close. What the ???
Rick thinks it is someone driving around in a car throwing fireworks out the window and we only hear them about once per hour because they are making some kind of circuit around our area. I did not hear a car drive by, but who knows? It’s completely and totaling annoying. I’m sure whoever is doing it is having a great time. Maybe once school starts next week we won’t be having any more nonsense.
I need to end this post with a soothing photo!
Sleepy bee. This time of year the nectar must be pretty potent!
Posted by Lynne on 08/31/2012 at 09:29 AM
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My thoughts •
Butterflies, insects and other winged creatures