Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday this and thats

Yesterday was annoying. Evidently Rick got too greedy with our internet. He had both the iPhone and the computer hooked up so both were taking up band-width space. Our server decided to penalize us by cutting us back so drastically we basically could not even get on to do anything. How dare they! But, now we are back to normal after having to stand in the corner with our noses to the wall. Shame on us!

Bella is upset because she is really anxious to bring you up to speed on what she’s been doing but I told her she’d have to wait her turn. Later, Bella, later.

This morning we filled the cabin with the smell of baking cookies and bread. I tried a new recipe from the latest Food Network magazine and Rick made Breakfast Bread for our breakfast.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The cookies are tasty and chock full of things good for you (molasses, dried cranberries, golden raisins, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, greek yogurt) but they don’t look very pretty. Baking at high altitudes is challenging!

Yesterday I felt like a pioneer woman. I did laundry in the kitchen sink, then hung it out to dry. I’ll spare you the photo of our underwear and socks hanging on the line. Getting the rinsing cycle down is not easy and I’m certain that I left some soap still clinging to the threads. And with all the wringing out I did it certainly makes you appreciate the spin cycle on your washer.

We had a visit from neighbors Donna and Larry, and after they left we put together a puzzle. That was about our day yesterday other than the walks with the dogs. For a few days now it will be the last of the walks with all the dogs together as Bella has entered standing heat. Not much fun for anybody, believe me! But, we’ve been through it before up here at the cabin (with multiple intact male dogs!) and survived, so I think we can do it again. It just makes things more difficult.

I need to do a picture post but none seem to go with this entry. Maybe later ...

P. S. No pack rat nest under the hood for two days now, so it must have been the only one. The furnace is still working.


The pioneer experience always makes me think that I would not have made a good pioneer!  And it makes me appreciate the challenges of those that were!

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