Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Day before Thanksgiving

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Greetings fellow readers! As I look out on this day I see gloomy skies, fog and drizzle. As the day wears on the fog gets thicker and thicker. It’s so dark outside! I am keeping cozy by the fire with plenty to do however. My pumpkin pie is in the oven baking, filling the house with a wonderful aroma, the cranberry sauce is done (in my Mom’s crystal bowl).

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

With a few of the Thanksgiving tasks taken care of I’ll be settling down now in front of the fire to have a mini marathon of my favorite Christmas movies. Have you seen any of these?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

They never fail to jump start my holiday mood. Since Thanksgiving is so late this year, I need all the help I can get. Why is it that I don’t ever really start thinking about Christmas until Thanksgiving? I wish they would insert another month in-between. That would be much more to my liking. That way you’d have plenty of time to gear up for the holiday season. Yikes! Christmas is in just a few short weeks!

I’ll also be working on these while watching the movies: Rick’s slippers. Don’t worry, I know they look big enough to be clown shoes but they get thrown in the washer and felted down to a normal size. Cozy and warm, and my favorite pattern of all to knit! (More on that later.)

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I might even get to start this:

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I need a thriller right about now!

Hope your holiday is cozy and packed full of all the things you love!


Everything looks beautiful Lynne…looks like Thanksgiving.  You and Rick have a great holiday!

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Your pumpkin pie looks better then the 5 I made today.. We are having a crowd! I’m working on the third apple pie- in the oven now. I totally agree with you on wishing there was more time in between Thanksgiving and Christmas- that time sure would help out a bunch!
Have a wonderful holiday!

Same to you Debra!

Jess, wow, 5 pies! I am totally impressed!

Wishing you both well!

I hope you have a bit of sunshine for Thanksgiving, but if not, that stove will surely make your house cozy!

I love that stove! It just makes everything seem so cozy. 

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  It didn’t occur to me that it was late this year…I do know that I’ve been feeling a bit rushed about Christmas though.  I guess that explains it!

hi lynne!

I hope you’re well and had a lovely thanksgiving.

the slippers look great - I’ve been wanting to knit and felt some, I hope you’re going to post more about that
(i have patterns but lack time!)

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