Monday, October 15, 2012

In The Kingdom of the Thorn Queen

If you didn’t know it was there you would completely pass by the tiny hole in the thick wall of trees. But I know it’s there. The opening to the Kingdom of the Thorn Queen. The path through the woods.

The Thorn Queen rules this particular section of woods. The minute I walk through the hole she reaches out her thorny fingers and plucks at my jeans as I attempt to walk by. Pluck, pluck, little girl. You’d better beware. You should behave here in my kingdom.

Today she only half-heartedly tries to stop me, whereas in the past she has drawn blood. She used to frighten me but not any more. I figure with all the blood I’ve given her over the years we should be blood sisters by now.

I continue on down the path, out of reach of her thorny grasp. Still, I am mindful to watch my ways. I sense that I am being watched as I make my way through the woods.

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The temperature on this day is perfect. Not too hot; not too cool. Just right. The woods are turning but it seems slow this year. Many trees are still green yet the path underneath my feet is carpeted with spent leaves which give off the wonderful earthy smell of decomposing plant matter as I step on them.

I come out of the Thorn Queen’s Kingdom onto the road that leads down to the pond.

When I reach Green Turtle Pond there are just a few fisherman. A slight breeze ripples the surface of the pond. It’s quiet and peaceful.

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I always forget about this cross until I come upon it again. I wonder if it’s a beloved dog that used to like going fishing with its master? Or is Austy a person that loved fishing?

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Back up the road I go until it’s time to enter the Thorn Queen’s Kingdom once again. I reach the hole where the path ends and meets the main road. The Queen doesn’t care if I leave, so she keeps her thorny fingers to herself and I exit the Kingdom unharmed.





The Thorn Queen—love it!

I’m betting Austy was a person. I wouldn’t think you’d see a last name on a memorial to a dog, but I could be wrong.

Must be this guy!

Steve, glad you liked the Thorn Queen! And, imagine that! I never thought of googling the name since I pretty much assumed it was a dog! It must be the guy: it all fits, dates and all! How very odd ...
Thanks for solving the mystery!

Hey Lynne!  I’m so glad you linked this for me.  I will never ever look at thorns the same way again.  Your post certainly gave new life to my wanderings in the woods!  Thanks!!!

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