Monday, April 02, 2012

Just Daffy


There are so many different varieties of daffodils! This is the kind I have in my yard (which were here when we moved in).

IMG 7620

They are pretty, but not the kind that most people envision about when they hear the word “daffodil.” These are:

IMG 7704

Last Friday I decided to visit one of my favorite places, Skylands Botanical Gardens, to see what was flowering there. I found quite a few different varieties.

This one is similar to mine, but the trumpet is a different yellow. I love how the yellow spills on to the petals.

IMG 7707

Orange sherbet!

IMG 7711

Look how much longer the trumpet is on this variety. Pinocchio!

IMG 7761

Love these.

IMG 7759

This one I would call a narcissus but when I looked up the term “narcissus” it’s really just meant to encompass all varieties of the daffodil family. Yet, it has a shorter, more flared trumpet.

IMG 7652

I decided to get up-close-and-personal with some of them. You know me: I’m a macro kind of girl. The next set of photos were taken with the Lensbaby with two macro lenses stacked on top of each other. Only one area of the flower will be in focus. I hope you find them interesting.

IMG 7582

IMG 7590

IMG 7668

IMG 7655

IMG 7585

Daffodils are beautiful, but remember if you bring them inside put them in a vase by themselves as they are toxic to other blooms!



I did not know there were so many different varieties—especially right here.

toxic huh?  ya learn something new every day.  I planted 100 mini daff’s in my yard last year and they have been delighting me for the last few weeks.

Maggie, I learned that years ago from a friend who was a florist. Mixed bouquets with daffodils don’t work. Something about the sap in the stem that poisons the water for other flowers. If you want your flowers to last keep the daffs separate! smile They are beautiful though. They make me smile!

Maggie: P.S. I have tiny figs coming already. I can hardly believe my eyes ...

They are so cheerful.  Love the orange sherbet.

Love all these…especially the macros.  And toxic?!  Who knew!  There is someone in the office who has a daffodil party every year.  Apparently he has hundreds on his (extremely large) property and celebrates when they bloom.  Love the variety you’ve shown!

C, of course that is my own name for this variety. It’s all I could think of, and it was the only daffodil all by itself of this color. It just stood out.

Helene, Thanks! Macros aren’t for everyone but I love getting up close to things in nature and particularly flowers. It’s how I started in photography as a hobby in the first place. Glad you enjoyed them.

Figs already??? Wow!  and there I was all excited cause my figgy lived through the winter!  Mine is just a babe in comparision to yours though…..

Amazing photos.  The daffodils have been so beautiful this year - I love all varities. I didn’t realise they were toxic to other blooms although I have always had them in a vase on their own.

Maggie, I know! I don’t remember the figs setting on so early last year. Not a lot yet, just here and there. I’m glad your figgy survived the winter. Keep it inside if it’s leafing out just in case it gets below freezing this next week.

Joyce, Thank you! Most people don’t realize they poison the water for other blooms like tulips. Smart you for always keeping them on their own even if it wasn’t for that reason! wink

I love daffodils….one of my favorites.
Grass and trees are starting to green up here.  Of course we had snow today…lol
Happy Spring!

Debra, I heard Colorado has some pretty warm weather and then the next thing was snow. Pretty normal, wouldn’t you say? Happy Spring to you too!

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