... in Margaritaville, where else? Last night we ate in one of our hotel’s restaurants; Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville. And, of course we ordered the Cheeseburger in Paradise. You just have to, ya know? We noticed at a table next to ours they had a interesting contraption in the middle of their table that was a glass tube at least two feet tall filled with margaritas and a tap at the bottom. Wow, now that’s the way to go for a large group!
Our table was at the front entrance to the restaurant and this was our view:
A lovely, voluptuous figurehead on the ship that is permanently “docked” as part of the restaurant. It turned out to be a very entertaining place to sit. Watching people’s reaction to her prominent features was hilarious. Some men went by and had to put their hands on her breasts. One man went by and did a double take and I just started laughing at the look on his face. He saw me laughing, and grinning sheepishly he said “you caught me looking!” Some people, if they were tall enough came close enough to lose an eye as they rounded the corner without noticing at all. Some people were embarrassed (mostly women). One woman flung open her blouse (she had a t-shirt on underneath) and dared her husband to compare her endowment to the figurehead’s. My favorite of the night was a man who looked like he’d had more tequila than me that gazed at her longingly for few minutes before he whipped out his cell phone, put his head next to her breast, and took a photo of himself.
People seem to have left their inhibitions at home. Vegas; you gotta love it!
Posted by Rick on 10/15/2007 at 09:43 AM
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