Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Last night’s sunset and late night scribblings

This was last night’s sunset as seen through our dining room window. This is a sight we never used to be able to see. In other words, we couldn’t see the sunset for the trees. So, there is some good in losing all those trees to beetle kill.

This photo was taken outside the cabin and looks more like an advancing forest fire.

And again, more late night bedside scribblings led to this:

As I lay in bed awaiting sleep I can see the last of the fire’s light flickering on the logs of the ceiling above. I hear the deep satisfied breathing of tired dogs.

Click on a picture to enlarge it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


so pretty…

Debra, you know how it is up here! We hand another pretty one tonight but not quite as colorful.

My husband grew up in Laramie and still has family there and in Cheyenne.  He’s seen the changes in the forests where friends have cabins in the mtns.  It’s especially noticeable when one visits only occasionally.

Christina, I had no idea you husband was from Laramie! What a small world! The beetle kill pine is devastating but it doesn’t look like it’s spread any more this past year on our land at least. I think the aspens will take over and we have lots of new little pines sprouting up all over the place.

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