Thursday, April 03, 2008

Meandering thoughts

Lately I’ve been thinking way too much. Some things in my life are totally out of control.

Sailor’s lymphoma,  which by the way as of today is no longer in partial remission, but out of control. At least out of mine. Since I don’t believe in “divine intervention,” I guess we are on our own.

The sale of our house in Colorado. Trust me; these people looking at our house don’t have clue what real houses or real life looks like. “Dated” ( read 10 yrs) is what we are hearing. Hmm… have we come forward as a society like Las Vegas that needs to raze everything in sight in order to keep up with what the current fad is? What has happened to timeless classic? Have we become a cookie-cutter society? So sad.

What about you, aka “my readers?” I get a few comments now and then. I’m not even sure people are reading and getting anything out of anything I write. I have always hated those people that whine about nobody commenting on their blogs. I don’t want to become one of them. I started this blog to keep friends and family in touch with what was happening in our lives. I guess I got greedy when a few people started to read. I would love to have more interaction with people reading my blog, but again, this has not happened and is out of my control.

Frankly, when I read other people’s blogs and they have over 10 comments I don’t feel the need to add mine in. In my mind they already have enough people commenting that the don’t need my simple opinion.

I need to take control over the things in my life that I CAN control. I’ve not yet decided what those things are exactly, but I need to work on a list and move forward. I’ve even thought of restricting my blog to family and friends only. Rick thinks I am nuts regarding this. I’ve had so many comments left by

web surfers

spammers that you never get to see because of my enabling comment moderation it’s disgusting. It’s very discouraging when the number of comments that I have to approve are junk vs. viable.

Sorry to burden you all (whoever you are!) with this tonight but I am feeling very low. Maybe tomorrow will be different. It hasn’t been a good day.

A note: Thank you to all of you that either comment on the blog or let me know you’re reading by emailing me. I appreciate you all!


Oh Lynne~
I want to send a virtual hug to you from KY.  I check your blog at least several times a week, just to see what is up.  And I would be very sad if I couldn’t.

We all have bad days.  I am sure miserable weather, a sick canine friend, etc., etc., can add to being down.

Personally, I do believe in divine intervention, and I am sending some prayers and good thoughts over to you (12 hours or so away….driving that is). 

Looking forward to reading more, when you are feeling up and at your best; and even when you are not!

I’m sorry about Sailor. Sometimes words fail and a blog comment does not seem adequate to express how I feel. 
I’m not a me too kind of person and it often seem shallow to parrot what others have already said.
I’ve read the comments on blogs where some people get tons of comments, often the comment is the same basic comment over and over with no originality or thought; just me too, follow the leader stuff.
So, I rather have a few thoughtful original comments on my blog rather than a bunch of me too comments.

I’d hate to see you close the blog or restrict access.  I enjoy every post whether I comment or not.

I can’t help you sell your house… although I’ve read people swear by the St Joseph statue legend thing. Apparently is works whether you are a believer or not or so I‘ve read on a few blogs.

Most importantly, I send comfort and peace to you, Rick and Sailor.

You are too cute! I think we all get this way every now and again. I know I do. I’m here, though I don’t always get to comment, I try to pop by on a daily basis as much as I can.

Hang in there, things will come back into your control…they always seem to. Though I am sorry to hear about Sailor, it was looking so good there for a little while. I’m sure he is happy to have someone so caring to spend his time with.


Lori, Paula and Krista, thank you all. I know you are out there reading even when you don’t comment and my words weren’t meant for you or any of my other known readers.

Paula, we did try good old St. Joseph when we first put our house there up for sale. We had our realtor dig him up after the first year. He wasn’t helping! Maybe we should try again. Some people told us we should have buried him with his head sticking out of the ground; while others told us we should bury him in the other direction!

Krista: you think I’m too cute? I think I’m nothing but a whinger!

Dear Lynne and Rick,
I am so sorry to hear Sailor’s lymphoma is not under control, my heart is breaking for you all.  I am truly inspired by your posts and I check many times a week to read the latest and to view your wonderful & uplifting photography.  You brighten up my day Lynne and I feel if anyone deserves divine intervention is you and Rick for Sailor.

Lots of love
Chris xxx

I am sorry to hear you are having a down day.  I have had one too and I hate that cause I live for Fridays.  I think if winter just got over with that would help everyone.  For some reason it has gone on way too long this year.  Besides I have to have my Sand Creek “fix” and I can’t get to my place when there’s lots of snow.  I try to look up and see what you have to say probably every other day…maybe everyday if I am lucky.  I thank you for your writings. Sorry to hear about Sailor…I’ll keep you in my thoughts.

I read up on your blog about once a week or so.  I’ve commented once, I think it was your first snow of the winter post, I was jealous smile

Reading about your dog’s health troubles saddens me, I pray for a turn around and that things get better. 

While I haven’t experienced it personally, good friends of ours recently sold their house they had lived in for about 5 years and she had replaced all the appliances and what-not…they were getting dated comments too, on stuff less than 5 yrs old.  I think it’s just the selling agents way of trying to get them the lowest price possible.  But I can imagine it is quite irritating.

If you make your blog friends and family only, I will miss reading it, but I understand. 

Oh, and I don’t comment on any of the blogs that I read, so it’s not just you :D

Take care!

hi lynne, sorry you’ve been feeling so down.  i really enjoy your blog and i’m so glad i’ve got to know you a bit through it.


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