Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Miata Mania: Buttzville, New Jersey to Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania

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On Sunday we did something that Rick has been wanting to do for a long time now and that is meet up with the Miata club for a drive, or a "run" as they call it. Most of the runs have been too far away with the southern New Jersey club, or the other club that we knew of in Pennsylvania was too far as well. When he heard of the Del-Val (Delaware Valley) club's run on Sunday and it was only a one and one-half hour drive for us to meet up with them we decided to go.

Our meet-up was at Hot Dog Johnny's in Buttzville, New Jersey close to the Pennsylvania border. It's a fairly famous old-fashioned hot dog stand, and goodness knows, New Jersey folks love their dogs. We sampled the dogs (mine was mustard and onions, Rick's was mustard and ketchup) with a side of fries and a delicious cold birch beer. We found the president of the Miata club and introduced ourselves, adding our name to the sign-up sheet. Miatas kept pouring in, filling the already full-to-bursting parking lot. Johnny's does a hopping business!

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We all gathered around for our driving instructions and a brief go-over of the run. It all seemed pretty well planned. The lead driver had a CB radio, as did a person mid-pack, and the person bringing up the rear would have a CB too so that we could all stay together, even if we got separated. Staying together seemed pretty unlikely to me since I counted 25 Miatas joining our little sports car parade.

We pulled out of the parking lot en masse as best we could with traffic conditions with Rick and I ending up fourth in the pack, then a little way down the road we all pulled off to let everyone catch up. Once we were all together, we were off!

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Our drive took us over winding little back roads. Through one-lane tunnels …

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and picturesque little towns …

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over the river … (Delaware)

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and through the woods …

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The drive along the Delaware River on the Pennsylvania side was just beautiful.

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We kept together pretty well and only got separated once at a stop light. Again, we all pulled over to wait. We got some strange looks from people driving by. Our mid-run stop was at an ice cream shop. We were quite the sight as we all pulled in next to each other, and still we didn't all fit side by side.

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The drive ended up at Childs Park near Dingmans Ferry where most people hiked a trail up to some waterfalls, but Rick and I headed home as it was getting pretty late in the afternoon and we still had the one and one-half hour drive home. 

All in all it was very well organized and a fun way to spend the day. The club is having another run this weekend about the same distance away, but it ends very close to where we live so we signed up for that one too. We get to see countryside we haven't seen before while finding new back roads to take, so what's not to like?



Sounds like fun and no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than a drive in the ‘country’.  I’m sure Mia was thrilled to see all her relatives and have a family reunion!!

Mia was pretty happy to see her relatives for sure!

Linda and I have done several SSR rallys and are planning on doing more. The next one is a “chocolate and covered bridge” tour in Lancaster county , pa.

Car rally’s are interesting because you meet a lot of like minded people. And making friends at our age isn’t easy wink

Enjoy- you’ll get out of it what you put into it- it isn’t about the cars.

“Chocolate and Covered Bridge” sounds fun!

A group in PA also does a “wine tour” rally. Not sure how smart it is to taste wine then drive to the next winery. We did meet some nice people, so look forward to another “run” or two. But, we also need to get some canoe time in on weekends now that the weather is not so oppressively hot!

How fun! I’m sure you were all an eye-catching sight! I love the photo taken in the mirror of all the cars behind you rounding the curve. I’m a sucker for mirror photos.

It seems like red (all shades) is the dominate color of the Miata famiy! What a fun day.

Johnny’s hot dogs looks like an old diner (lovin’ that) and I really envy you having a birch beer. It is non-existant in the south. Was yours brown,red, or white? Red is my fav.

Andy, is your rally overnight? Sounds fun but it also sounds like a long way away.

Steve: I’m sure we were! Actually Rick took the photo in the mirror as he had a better view than I did around the curve. smile

Bigsis: yes, RED is the favorite color it would seem for Miatas. Johnny’s was kind of like an old diner except there was nowhere to dine in, just a walk up window. The birch beer was brown. Yummy.

What a fun way to spend the day…pretty too!

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