Thursday, May 16, 2013

Morning Thoughts

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Dutchman's Breeches (Skylands)


This morning I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to the glorious song of the wood thrush! In my last post I remarked about how it wouldn't be long now that the trees were fully leafed out, and as it turns out I was correct. There is nothing prettier than the song of a wood thrush. Clear, distinct, and melodious. I drifted back off to sleep listening to it.

Yesterday the tile in the laundry room got grouted and the utility/slop sink was set. It looks so much better than the old one which really had seen better days, say 1988! We've been trying to bring our house up-to-date a little at a time. We still have the carpeting to replace later this year, but that is not going to be fun at all. We have a lot of furniture that needs to be moved completely out in order for that to happen.

I haven't gotten to the wisteria yet. Maybe later today I'll walk down and see if I can get some shots. I did want to note that my lilac bush did bloom this year.

This bush is special because it started out in life as a tiny shoot off my mom's lilac bush in her yard in the Adirondacks. We brought it back and planted it together the first year we lived here. I lost my mom in 2007 and she didn't get to see the little sprig flourish and bloom. It first bloomed in 2011 but we were on vacation in France and by the time we got back it was done, so I really didn't get to see it actually blooming. Last year it didn't bloom at all. So I was very excited to see a few flowers on it this year. It's not full of blooms, but at least it's something!


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We had quite a few lilac bushes that towered over my head when I was a child in Hyde Park, and the scent always takes me back there, just like this particular bush reminds me of my mom. I miss her so much.


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Today I have to do some thinking and planning for our weekend trip to the shore since we leave tomorrow. Since the dogs are going with us (please let them be good!) I have to think of everything I need to take for them as well. It's a bit like parents loading up young children but instead of diapers I pack poop scoop bags. Instead of formula I pack dog kibble, canned food, biscuits, water and food bowls. Alex will take "Pink Bunny" as it's his favorite toy to carry around. Also a few chew bones should be added into the mix. 

We are cooking Saturday night dinner so we also have to prepare our mise-en-place and pack it to go, and I need to bake the Chocolate Raspberry Brownie Torte for dessert.

I might blog from the shore via my iPad, but I don't really know if I will or not. I'm just going to go with the flow of things.



you wanna see wisteria??? go here:
I’ve never seen wisteria like it before.

Dutchman’s Britches isn’t something that’s in my garden….. hmmmmm ~stroking my chin.  smile

Have a lovely visit the shore…. weather should be perfect!

Maggie, those gardens look gorgeous! I need to go there!

And maybe, just maybe you should get some “britches” of your own. I love those silly looking flowers!

Oh yes, you DO!  For sure… if you get time while the iris are still in bloom stop at the Presby Iris Gardens right down the road while you’re there.  I might have to look into britches… but, kinda like I’m having trouble fitting into my own these days, not sure where they’d fit in my garden at this point.

The lilacs are amazing and I’m so glad they bloomed for you this year. I can almost smell them from here…

Have fun down the shore!

Maggie (again) HAHAHAHAHA !!!! smile

Bigsis, it only had three branches that bloomed but at least it was something! They smell so GOOD.
Thanks, we will. (I hope.)

Beautiful lilacs! There’s something so amazing about taking a cutting given to you by someone you love and turning it into a new plant. It really IS like having part of that person with you.

Steve, yes you are so right. So very right. Thank you for that.

@ Steve… for sure… as I sat on my roof this morning, painting the side of the house, I looked down on what was blooming and smiled to myself as my garden is full of old friends, Peony from mom,  Iris from Carlene, Columbine from Kelly, Lilac from Ken and Linda, etc. etc. etc. It is a wonderful part of gardening for sure.

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