Can you tell by looking at my hands that one is swollen? I’m hurting this weekend, ever since Sam bit me on Thursday night. I now have a very infected hand and ended up at the Urgent Care Center today. The doctor basically told me I was an idiot not to come in as soon as the bite happened. Well, I didn’t know, and Friday it wasn’t bad, just aching and a bit swollen which I thought was just from the puncture wound. Yesterday it was really swollen and red. When I did a search online about cat bites it got me a bit scared. I took two of Bart’s amoxicillin tablets to tide me over. At the doctor’s I got a huge lecture and a scrip for antibiotics. It feels just like I sprained my hand so I’m a bit impaired. At least I can type without too much pain.
I don’t know exactly what got into Sam, but Rick was trying to catch him to clean him up after a trip to the litter box left some things, er, shall we say hanging. He was kind of playing a game with him and I grabbed him for behind, thinking I was going to hold him while Rick got the clingy bits. He bit me hard, it didn’t bleed much and left three nice puncture wounds. He had some catnip earlier, so maybe that contributed to his wild ways. I don’t know. All I know was that it hurt like hell; still does.
So, if you get bitten by a cat, yours or someone else’s, don’t wait. Get to a doctor for some antibiotics right away! At least that way you’ll be spared the lecture about how dumb you are. You can read about cat bites here.
Posted by Lynne on 11/26/2006 at 12:32 PM
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