Friday, May 25, 2012

Packed and ready to go!

We’re packed and ready to head out on our cross-country adventure first thing tomorrow morning. I had thought to snap a photo of the fully loaded truck with dog crates, etc., but I forgot and now it’s dark. So, no pic.

The dogs are not yet sure if this trip includes them or not. They see things happening and are hopeful that it includes them too and that they are not just going to the kennel for a stay. It’s odd because they usually know. Even Alex is left wondering. Will they take us or not? eBay the cat already knows and can be seen skulking around the house looking for a place to hide. Sorry, eBay: everybody goes on this road trip!

We are looking forward to being there and not necessarily the getting there, but the getting there aspect of it is really part of it. We already know where we will stop each day so I’ve made reservations in advance. Only one hotel is new to us because the one we’ve stayed at for the past four years has really gone downhill and not a great place to stay anymore. Otherwise, it’s the same dog-friendly hotels each time. Nothing wrong with what you know!

I hope to blog from the road but it’s not a guarantee. Hopefully our internet will be up and running at the cabin when we arrive but again, it’s not a given. One year we had to work things out and have out service shifted from one satellite to another. Fingers crossed that things go according to plan.

So, I’ll see you not the flip side! My cowboy hat that my mother-in-law bought for my birthday is packed. Cowboy Country here we come!


Have a great trip! It’s funny how animals know when something’s up—cats particularly are never fond of a break in routine. smile

Hope the trip goes smoothly and that you see many interesting sights on the way. I would love to see how the dogs react when they realize they are going!

Steve, thanks! The dogs and cats always know something strange is happening but are never sure if it includes them or not. The cats hate the drive but love being at the cabin itself. Sometimes it’s painful to get through, but so far so good!

Bigsis, an easy first day of driving. Of course, all I had to do was sit there and be co-pilot! wink The dogs just ran out and jumped in the truck. I’m still not sure they knew until the very last minute that they were included on the trip.

Safe journey.  I look forward to hearing about your hol and some lovely photos.

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