Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Play Date

This weekend we had arranged a walk for us and a play date for the dogs with a friend and his Golden Retriever. When we got to Jungle Habitat we were greeted with a barrage of cars, people, and a lot of activity. What the heck? we thought, is going on here? The vehicles with “State Forest Police” emblazoned on their sides were particularly worrisome. We decided to park and see what all the fuss was about before getting the dogs out of the truck. As it turned out they were only there to set markers on the paths regarding certain hazardous spots. They said “an accident” had occurred back in December. When I asked about taking the dogs for a walk he said “sure, the trails are open but remember it’s hunting season.” I mumbled something about probably not safe to let the dogs off lead and he was quick to point out to me that dogs were supposed to be on lead in the park, never off. oops. I never knew that. Every time we’ve been there people have their dogs loose all over the place. We opted not to be drug around the Jungle by our dogs on lead, so we headed off to Green Turtle Pond instead and we parked at the top of the road and walked down.

Bella likes her Golden friend, Kayla. At first Bella is a bit overwhelming for Kayla, being too pushy and a tad dominant. She just wants to play and Bella has always played hard. Before long they settle into a happy companionship that consists of running. A lot.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The call this shot “the three amigos.” (Alex, Kayla & Bella)

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The snow has mostly melted but the road was still icy in spots and we really had to watch our footing. Bella did pause now and then to offer me a good shot of her by herself. Can you believe how big she is?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We thought they would wear down after a while, but they were still at it on the return trip. Of course, they had to find a puddle of mud to play in! Kids!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We hope to have more play dates/walks in the future. Next time we’ll try our normal Jungle walk, hopefully without all the state brass!


Re:  JH - wow.  I heard some disturbing things about the “accident” that involved a bike rider (or maybe it was a quad rider?) getting his neck caught in a line that was strung across the trail.  Too bad, as JH is/was shaping up to be a nice place to play.
LOVE the shots of the dogs - makes me miss having one to trek around with.

I’m just realizing that I’ve been reading too many murder-mysteries because I just *knew* why all those police were out in the woods…I’m so glad it wasn’t so1

I love seeing all those happy puppy pictures, obviously they were having such fun on their playdate. 

(I’ll have pics soon…I’m having “issues”!)

Maggie, we wondered just what the “accident” was. I hadn’t heard. It will settle back down and be a good place to walk/ride again. The dogs are kind of fun to trek around with!

Susie (aka Susan), that’s okay because I was kind of thinking the same thing ... dead body in the woods tossed there by the Mafia ...
I was wondering if your camera was broken or what!

What a fun walk!  Bella is looking very ‘grown up’.  Still has that playful spirit coming through her eyes, though!

Those are some great photos.  Dogs are so beautiful…  Dogs are just like kids.  You look away and then back…they are all grown up.

Jan, yes she may look grown up but she is still a puppy inside.

Debra, thanks! How could I go wrong with those subjects? You are so right; time flies by.

Lynne, you are an absolute artist with a camera.  The pictures of the dogs are wonderful and I enjoyed them all.

Also, loved the felted slippers!  I wish I was a better knitter, as I would give these a “go”.  Weather in Canada’s far, far east…bitterly cold but we haven’t had much snow which is unusual but February cometh and that can be our worst month for snow day after day.

bye for now..

i love this post lynne!

just a wonderful sequence of photos, they are so full of energy and joy

Great pictures! What camera do you use?! The only time I can capture my dogs is when they’re sleeping! Totally adorable pictures, they look like they’re having so much fun. smile

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