I lay on my float, belly down, fingers and toes dangling in the cool water. The warm sun beating on my back is turning my flesh and bones to the viscosity of jelly. I feel my internal self flowing outward from my body. Letting go. Releasing tensions and worries. It’s difficult to resist the temptation not to nod off. I turn over to toast the other side.
I hear cicadas (!) in the treetops, there is a Snowberry Clearwing Hummingbird Moth (!) drinking nectar from the poolside flowers, hawks ride high in the sky on thermals, and a dragonfly (!) whirs by.
Can a day be any more perfect?
Yes, actually it could. Rick leaves today for nearly a week on business. We’ll all miss him!
Posted by Lynne on 07/25/2009 at 11:56 AM
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Daily Life •
My thoughts •
Life in New Jersey •
Butterflies, insects and other winged creatures •