Friday, November 25, 2011

Post Thanksgiving Photos

The other morning this was all that was left as color on our burning bush hedge. I think the colors have intensified with the frosts we’ve had the past week. It was grey outside so the leaves took on their own persona. Pretty.

IMG 6519

Early morning shadows on the back deck.

IMG 6526

Our weather station was not recording rainfall amounts anymore after more than 15 years of hard service. It drove us crazy not knowing how much rain we got this past week. So, for Christmas we bought a new one. It was supposed to be saved and wrapped and put under the tree but we just couldn’t stand it any longer. Rick got it installed yesterday. Here is Sam having fun with the box. Sam does love his boxes!

IMG 6529

Our turkey came out looking and tasting wonderful! In fact, our whole meal was one of the better Thanksgiving feasts we’ve ever tasted.

IMG 6551

Bella and Alex thought the turkey looked awfully good too! Mom, are we getting any?

IMG 6554

Our weekend weather is supposed to be glorious—sunny and in the 60’s so we are thinking Ms. Mia is definitely going for a drive. It might be the last chance for weather this incredible. After that it can snow a little if it wants to get us all in the Christmas mood.

We still need to run Johnny over the yard one more time for a final leaf pick-up, then he can be switched out to the snowblower. Right now it’s hard to imagine!


I agree with Bella and Alex - the turkey looks delicious.  My 2 cats always loved a box to play in.  Enjoy your ride in Mia.

And it WAS a glorious day - today anyway.  I was out raking leaves.  Filled up 7 big trash bags and still only got half the backyard done!  Sure wish I had a Johnny!  But then I needed to work off some of the key lime pie I had for Thanksgiving (and before and after) so maybe it was for the best.

That turkey looks yummy!
Love that first picture too.
Spent the day with Sally (Lettuce) today, who says ‘Hi’ and sends good wishes.  Am trying to persuade her to blog again ...

Joyce: smile
The ride today in Mia was good!

Carolyn, WOW 7 big bags of leaves? I didn’t know you had that many leaves anymore since your big tree was taken down. Johnny would be done with your yard in 10 minutes! I hate to think of our leaves as in number of bags we might have collected. Our leaf pile is HUGE.

Liz, hey there! Oh, tell Sally/Letty Hi back from me. I do miss her blog! You keep up the good work too! Promise?

No, it wasn’t MY big tree that was taken down.  Two of my neighbors had their trees taken down. I still have mine and my neighbor that lives behind me has a huge tree (where the raccoons live) that hangs over my yard.

Hi C, sorry, I stand corrected! Glad your tree is still standing proud and dropping tons of leaves in your yard! I love my trees but the leaves are a real pain, but one I gladly put up with for the 99% other good things about having all these trees! wink

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