Monday, April 25, 2011

Progress report

Spring is taking its sweet time this year. Everything is lagging behind thanks to our cooler than normal rainy weather. The trees are just afraid to leaf out! Some progress is being made however.

The daffodils were pretty as usual but are fading a bit now.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The forsythia is really lovely this year. You may remember that last year we had our large front hedge of forsythia taken out. I miss it, but Rick says he doesn’t. Now we just have three pretty bushes scattered throughout the yards.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I cut some branches and brought them inside to light up my day. Sam likes them too!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I wish the lilac would hurry up and bloom! It’s looked like this for two weeks now. If it waits until we are gone on our trip late next week I’ll be really disappointed! This shot was taken with the forsythia bush behind.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The periwinkle is blooming nicely in the front yard.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

A row of hostas have broken ground and are growing daily.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We’ve had plenty of birds visiting the feeder. Normally we don’t have purple finches but right now we have several pairs. I think they are prettier than the house finch. You can tell the difference by their coloring which is more a rosy pink than the red of the house finch, the streaking and their slightly different body shape and size.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lots of these cute little chipping sparrows too. Doesn’t he look like he’s wearing a toupee on his head?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Of course we have lots of bright yellow gold finches. I love these little birds!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The white-throated sparrows don’t come to the feeder but they do come to the front where I spread seed on the ground for the squirrels and chippies. They have a distinctive yellow streak by their eye, and a lovely easy to identify song.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

At times there are so many different bird songs riding on the air that it’s hard to hear yourself think! I am not complaining though! I love them all.

And here is Alex just because I think he’s so darned cute. He was laying on the front porch while Rick washed Mia yesterday and found this tiny little stick that he’s holding between his paws.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

More rain expected today but at least this week we’re supposed to have temperatures in the 70’s. That just might lure the trees into really popping those leaves!

Bird Addendum added late afternoon: My first rose-breasted grosbeak arrived this morning! I hope to get a better photo of him if he sticks around long enough. They usually just pass through. I think it looks like it has a bleeding heart on its chest. Beautiful birds, but then again, grosbeaks are one of my all-time favorite bird families.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

And a house finch for comparison to Mr. Purple Finch.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Ok…you mention Lilacs and I’m hooked…thats one of my all time favorites.  Daffodils remind me of my childhood.  I remember art projects in elementary school seemed to have either tulips or daffodils…
Loved the photo of Alex and the stick.
Bird pics were great too.  I have not heard of the grosbeaks.  Do we have those out here?  I am thinking no?

Debra, this particular lilac is very special since it was taken as a twig from my mom’s lilac bush at her house the second year we lived here. As you know, I lost my mom shortly after that and these are the first blooms this bush has ever produced. So, extra special. Alex and his stick are special as well. You have plenty of grosbeaks in Colorado! In fact, in our yard in FTC we had blue grosbeaks once in a while and at the cabin you should see evening grosbeaks and we had also pine grosbeaks in the winter. Beautiful and spectacular birds! Look them up !

Oh man Lynne.  At my old house I had a lilac bush - a start from my dear Mother’s bush.  When we moved to this house…I left it behind…Now I have a place for it and wish I had it back.
I know your flowers will be so pretty this year….
(I will learn about grosbeaks…thanks for the info)

Ah, there is just something about lilac bushes from a mother.

I don’t know if you have rose-breasted grosbeaks there. I don’t remember ever seeing one. I wish ours were here year-round.

I love the photo of Alex he is concentrating so hard on that stick.  You have some really colourful birds visiting your feeders.

Joyce, yes, isn’t he cute? Such concentration for such a little stick! We have all colors of birds: blue, red, yellow. Most of them are always around while others like the grosbeak are just passing through. I love spring when we get different guest birds!

What pretty flowers. Your cat is gorgeous! I have noticed that while the flowers are blossoming, the leaves on the trees are lagging behind. Probably because the weather was so chilly until recently. Last week we had a frost! I’m so glad it’s warmer now.

NJM, Sam is a Maine coon cat and behaves more like a dog than a cat. He’s a cool cat. Now the leaves are really starting to take over with a few days over 70!

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