Friday, June 01, 2012


I sort of fell off the blog posting bandwagon today and can’t find any words. So instead I will post a few of my favorite photos from the past couple of days.

Mystery shot. You have to guess what this is.

Big sky: cool clouds

Old homestead three ways.
The view they had.

Close up of one section of the house and its gate. Note the sandstone cliffs in the background. They kind of mimic the top boards on the door and all seem to blend together as one.

The whole house.

The “Badlands.”

I don’t like this particular rock formation on the right. It has two eyes that just stare out at me.

And before you even ask, these photos are not touched up. Yes, the sky is that blue. We had a windy day today so the cloud photos are all from today. Without the wind the sky is not quite as interesting!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad from the cabin at 8,650 feet above sea level.


First photo - candles reflected in a copper bundt pan???  The rock formation on the right in the ‘Badlands’ photo looks like two raccoons hugging!  Beautiful sky and clouds - that’s what the sky is supposed to look like without all the pollution.

Great photos! Again, what an amazing landscape. I can’t imagine living there and having that as my view!

I think the first photo is the bottom of a wine glass looking upward through a glass table.

Oh, actually I think we’re looking DOWN into the glass.

Carolyn, nope you’re on the wrong track as far as your guess is concerend.

You think the rock I think is creepy with the two staring eyes looks like two raccoons hugging?? I don’t see that at all, sorry.

The dryness of the air and the altitude help too. Back east we have the humidity which makes for not as blue skies.

Steve, you are on the right track but not quite right. I’ll tell you at the end of the day today in case anyone else wants to wager a guess. Glad you enjoyed the photos!

The area is vast and the views are amazing.  The pic looks like someone drinking outof a wine glass.

Joyce, it is amazing! And yes, it is a glass (a cognac glass) looking through it towards the fire in the fireplace. You can see the flames on the lower right side of the glass.

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