Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Swimming with Frogs

Let me just say I am not going to attempt this. I’m sure it wouldn’t be anything at all like Dancing with Wolves. But unless I can capture the frog that has decided our pool is his home today, I won’t be going in for that swim. In my bathrobe this morning, I went down to turn on the pool pump. I saw something that looked strange on top of the solar blanket so I went to check it out. To my surprise it was a frog. Hailey came over to see what I was talking to out there by myself and the frog jumped away. WOW, cool, Hailey thought. I could just see her jumping in to chase it. Daisy came over to see what was going on. Both dogs were going crazy watching this leap-frog activity taking place on the solar blanket. FInally he found the edge of the blanket and KERPLUNK! into the water he went. Ah, poor froggie, I thought as he sunk to the bottom. Things didn’t look too good for him. I went to get my skimmer to fish him out, but when I returned I couldn’t find him anywhere close to where he had gone in. At this point I didn’t want to take the blanket off and figured he was a goner and that I’d skim him out later on when I went for my swim.

A little later I went back outside and there he was sitting on top of the blanket again, in just about the same spot I had found him earlier in the day. So, he wasn’t dead as I had feared; au contraire, he was alive and kicking. I got the skimmer and just as I was about to reach him, KERPLUNK! back into the water he went again. Okay, obviously you like it in there and are in no hurry to get out. Next time, I told him, I’m bringing the camera out. Sure enough, after about a half an hour I went back out there and there he sat. I took a few pics and once again picked up the skimmer. He must have seen the shadow as we went through the whole routine again. KERPLUNK! This time I peeled back the blanket and could see him treading water about two feet down. I tried to get him in the skimmer, but he swam away. This went on for about 15 minutes and he looked like he was getting tired. Hey, buddy, what about me up here? Think I’m not getting tired of your antics? You betcha I am! Come ‘ere you little green monster! I gave up. I guess I’ll just have to wait until I go for a swim to take the cover off and hopefully be able to catch him then without too much “here-we-go-round-the-pool-yet-again” stuff.
Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


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