Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Lady Bug Arrived!

We picked up our T@B (which we have now named Lady Bug) on Thursday, April 10th. There is a new entry on the T@B site about our first backyard "camp-out" that is now up and ready for reading. My sister was visiting and got to go with us to pick her up, so she got a little bit attached to her cute personality and suggested the name Lady Bug. She also sent us a card and included this sketch that she drew of her. I just love it! She's so talented -- I can't draw at all. I need to buy some archival tape of some kind so I can affix the sketch to her travel log book.

At first we had Lady Bug parked in front of the house in the driveway for loading her up with things we had purchased for her and things that we took from the house. Friday we hooked her up to Johnny (yes, she is that light!) and towed her down in the backyard and parked her on the gravel pad. She's safe and secure back there and we think it's the perfect place to park her when she's not in use. Plus, we get to play in her easily. The awning arrived late Friday afternoon after we had already set up the dog area. It really extends the living space.

Come and take a look! Welcome!


I am honored that you posted my drawing!  That’s my little niece. She looks so welcoming with her door flanked by the tulips and is that a rug? Cute. I loved being a part of her homecoming…how lucky was I?

Love, love, love the drawing Bigsis! So special. No, it’s not rug but a bamboo mat left over from our dog show days. smile

Love the drawing.  Love the Lady Bug.  Love the new header!!

C, I know you were tired of the snow heading and so was I! You will get to meet the Lady Bug—I think your idea of meeting in Mystic CT is a great one. We just have to plan it.

Looks homey!

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