Thursday, May 23, 2013

Travel Woes

My poor mother-in-law! We had bad storms here in New Jersey today and of course, this was the day she was flying in. We kept checking throughout the day and her flight kept getting delayed. She was supposed to arrive around 7:00 p.m. but was then delayed until an arrival time of 10:00 p.m. Finally she called us around 6:30 p.m. to tell us that her flight from Houston to Newark was cancelled and that she was booked on a flight from Houston to San Francisco and then on to Newark, finally arriving tomorrow morning at 7:09 a.m.

Poor woman! Nothing like flying east, then west, then way east again.

In the meantime, only since last night I seem to be coming down with a summer cold. Sore throat, tonsils swollen like golf balls, drainage, swallowing knives, aches and pains, etc. I still plan to blog about our trip to the shore but today I was blindsided by not feeling up to par. I even laid down at one point on the bed and tried to nap which is totally out of character for me. boo hoo!


Hope your mother-in-law arrived safe and sound.  So sorry you’re not feeling well especially with your mother-in-law there.  Take lots of vitamin C and get some Zicam and/or Airborne - might help get rid of it sooner!

C, she’s here but without her luggage. And, they can’t seem to locate it. :(

So sorry you are sick and hope it’s just a passing thing!

Also, what a bummer about Rick’s Mom’s luggage. I feel so badly for her! It happened to me regularly back in the day when I would fly up to Albany to visit Mom, but that was long,long ago and they only “lost” it for a day or two.  Here’s hoping it is recovered soon.

Oh no! I hope you feel better! You’re the second blog pal who mentioned being sick today. Something is going around out there!

Your poor mother-in-law indeed. Flying to Newark via SF? That’s just insane.

Bigsis, mine was often lost on the stretch between D.C. (or wherever the bigger airport was) and Albany because those little planes don’t have much cargo space. I can remember seeing my bag sitting on the tarmac as we taxied off.

So far it’s just a head cold, but with now I’ve lost my voice and all I can do is whisper.

Steve, insane is the right word for it, alright! Poor thing—coast to coast!

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