Thursday, October 15, 2009

Warmth on a chilly day

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I don’t know about you, but today I need some warmth so I am posting this photo taken yesterday of the turning colors at Monksville Reservoir. Doesn’t it warm you up? Right now the temps are in the 30’s, it’s dark and gloomy, and the big “S” word is predicted for later on in the day. SNOW. Already? Tell me it’s not so! Please don’t ruin these lovely fall colors Mother Nature! What can you be thinking?

We have plans to visit the Rhinebeck Wool and Sheep Festival this weekend and the weather is supposed to be nasty both days. boo-hoo. But we are East Coasters now and will just bundle up and take our umbrella and wear suitable shoes. We don’t let the weather stop us anymore. I am so looking forward to it!

Remember this scarf? I still haven’t had the courage to seam it together but I so want to wear it this weekend. I practiced and practiced the kitchener stitch until I had it down pretty good, but now I’ve lost the skill of it all because I waited too long. Since the weather is going to be so nasty over the next two days and Rick has a business dinner tonight, maybe I’ll practice yet again (and again) and get up the courage to just finally DO IT. It doesn’t have to be perfect, right? The scarf is doing me no good in two unwearable pieces! Wish me luck ... I’ll keep you posted on the progress.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Oh Lynne! It’s beyond perfect! Thank you thank you thank you so much for sharing these! Do you mind if I use one as my desktop background? Seriously I see nothing but dull green and brown and yellow out my window right now. How I miss those beautiful colors!!

Jessica, sure you can use it as a desktop background! I’d be honored! However, as I respond to this comment at 5:00 pm it is snowing outside. Big, wet flakes. I’m afraid the trees aren’t going to like this!

We had winter in Fort Collins last week end, yep, a blizzard.  I-25 North & Hwy 287 were closed at Ted’s Place…you remember the routine I am sure.  Enjoy and stay warm.  Photos were beautiful!

Well, if it snows enough, that will be lovely too.  There really is nothing like the Northeast for fall color!

I hope you seamed the scarf and will wear it at Rhinebeck. One of the best things about it is all the lovely handknits you’ll see. Have fun!

Debra, been there; done that. Seven dogs in a Motel 6 in Laramie in May during a blizzard with the roads closed is no fun. Nasty piece of road between Ted’s and Laramie.

Jan, only starting to stick and then it turned to rain. Just as well!

Mary, I DID finally seam the scarf today and although it’s not as “perfect” as I’d like it to be it will suffice. It looks pretty good. Weather is not good for Rhinebeck but we are giving it a go tomorrow. I’ll pet the sheep for you!

Laramie Motel 6…hey I have stayed there…not because of the weather though…and not with our dog.  The kids & I stayed there when I was doing the insulation at the cabin.  For some reason a shower and bed instead of a sleeping bag on the dirty itchy floor seemed like a great idea.

Lynne, you guys live in a beautiful part of the country.  Our leaves in Sand Creek are just a memory.  Thanks for sharing your colorful pictures with us.  We are looking forward to more rain and snow tomorrow.

Hey, I don’t ever tell you enough how much I use your wonderful recipe site. It is simply the best. Your pictures from this weekend are wonderful too. All our leaves here got frozen before the peak so Colorful Colorado came to a screeching halt and now is black leaved Colorado!
Your photography that you post is soooo good. These images are so well composed and artistic. You really shine! I still miss you!

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