Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Will it, or Won’t it ?

That seems to be the question tonight as be supposedly brace for our first real winter storm here in New Jersey. There is excitement in the air; from the weather forecasters, to the hardware store where snow shovels and bags of salt are finally selling, to neighbors starting up their snowblowers just to see if they still run. After all, predictions of about a foot of snow, maybe more, is big news.

But, as we all know, Mother Nature can be very fickle. Frankly, I don’t believe it until I see it. Too many false hopes. Of course, it’s supposed to snow the hardest while we are fast asleep, cozy in our bed. Robbing me once again of the pleasure of watching the snow fall. But, I’m not complaining. IF it does indeed snow as heavily as they are predicting, my hubby and I will have a nice snow day to enjoy together. That is, of course, unless the power goes out. Alas, we also have ice and freezing rain in that prediction. You know what that means: power outages.

Something really unheard of back in Colorado where all the power lines are underground. Not so in the East. Power lines vie for space with trees in our part of the country. Very, very vulnerable. So today I went to our local Sears Hardware store and bought a telescoping shovel with a smaller scoop for use on the deck and all the freakin’ stairs, and an additional lantern. Now, of course we all know because I am ready, prepared, and totally hoping for this first major storm of the year to hit, it probably won’t.

I’ll be ready just in case.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We’ll weather the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.


Or as Adrienne Rich puts it: “The wind will rise - we can only close the shutters.”

I hope you stay warm and keep your power.  I still shudder at the memory of so many power lines going down and no power for a week after our huge windstorm.  I’m guessing (hoping) you at least have a wood burning stove?

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