How does one go about describing the streets of San Miguel?
bumpy to downright jarring
up and downhill inclines
One thing I can say is that I am not quite ready to take up the challenge of driving them myself. Walking, yes. Driving, no. My mother-in-law is pretty darn good at navigating the narrow, crowded streets, but even she has a scratched up side mirror from some encounter she can’t quite remember.
Traffic flows smoothly even though there are no traffics lights to control traffic. Instead traffic is slowed by large speed bumps, called topes, which could rip the underside of your car off if you go over them too fast. Another unique thing is the “every other” rule. If a car is waiting to gain entry to a busy street from a side street, the traffic in either direction will stop and let them out. The next person is not obligated to stop to let someone out, but the following person will be. All very civilized. Just remember that the rule applies to you as well and some people might get a bit testy if you don’t let them out on their turn. Especially taxis.
Ah, the taxis. Cheap and easy transportation throughout the city in a green and white vehicle. Twenty pesos (about $1.50) will buy you a taxi ride to almost anywhere within the older city. A bargain for sure since parking can be hard to come by.
Here are a few street scenes.
To be continued ...
Posted by Lynne on 05/14/2009 at 05:32 AM
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