It was hard not to notice certain vehicles on such narrow streets. Here are a few that I enjoyed.
Matchy-matchy! (well ... almost)
Arsty! Or is that Arte's?
Impasse — sometimes cars get stuck. In this case it was a car and a bus. The cars on the right are parked. Fifteen minutes later when we went by they were gone so somehow they figured it out. Take note of the tangle of wires above the street.
Beer enthusiast. Either this guy likes his Corona or he owns a liquor store or a brewery. (Side note: Our Skipper-dog that we house-sat had a great dog toy. It was a stuffed squeaky Corona beer bottle with a lime on top but it said GRRRona instead of Corona. Way too cute. He chewed a hole in it and was tearing the stuffing out so we had to take it away from him and hopefully Juanita sewed it up.)
Posted by Lynne on 05/07/2014 at 02:44 PM
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My thoughts