Wednesday, October 24, 2007

One giant step back for womankind

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I saw something last night during the commercial break in Dancing with the Stars that really, truly bothered me. The Rose Petal Cottage. A little girl taking a muffin tin out of a play oven danced across the screen in front of my eyes. Next she was putting the baby down in the crib. After that she started a load of play laundry. Uhm, did I go through a time warp? Isn’t this what little girls did 40 years ago? And I guess they still do today, but this seemed more like brainwashing than play somehow.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Are toy makers trying to subliminally send women a message? That along with the newest reports out that say breast feeding your baby for the first year + makes for better adjusted, healthier babies. Gee, why not make us all stay home and clean the house, bake, do laundry, and nurse our children. Am I being overly sensitive? I am not a feminist by any means, but this is a new century for opportunities for women, isn’t it? No, please don’t take offense if you choose to stay home as your job (because it is a job and a very worthy one at that), but why teach little girls to limit their vision?

I love the press release wording:
“We are truly excited about the introduction of the ROSE PETAL Cottage Collection,” said Kevin Fortey, vice president of marketing for PLAYSKOOL.  “The collection distinctly enables preschool


to actively nurture their imaginations through traditional role-play, in a modern setting that they can make their own.”

Uhm, okay. I think he’s grooming his future daughter-in-law, or maybe a second wife since the first one didn’t work out. [She hated housework.]

How about this:
—“empowers preschool

girls to use their imagination inside and around their very own play space, featuring everything they need to role-play alone or with friends.  From baking muffins to washing clothes to caring for their dolls, girls

now have a place where they can set their imaginations free.”
[Note: underscoring is mine]

No mention anywhere of letting Little Brother Johnny play with the Rose Petal Cottage too. Nope. Not allowed. It only mentions


and not children in general. Little boys are not allowed to set their imaginations free in the kitchen, nursery or laundry areas of the world. So much for future chefs, nurses ... well, you get the idea.

I can’t speak for you, but my imagination isn’t “set free” when I do those chores. Well, maybe my imagination takes flight thinking about what fun things I could be doing instead! Does it “empower” me? Uh, no.  Something about this just struck me as not quite right. What do you think, am I over the top?


Welcome, I'm Lynne. You know me better as a 'new' Jersey Girl. But now I've moved once again, this time to North Carolina. Here I write about my thoughts, good food, and of course, dogs.

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