“A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.” – Sir Winston Churchill

Monday, March 28, 2005

Recycle Your Old Cell Phone

If you are like me, you have a drawer at home with old unused cell phones in it. Don’t throw them away! They are very harmful to the environment. Instead, get a few dollars from them by going to oldcellphone.com.

They will send you appropriate packaging for your phone and pay for the shipping. They then attempt to reuse your old phone—often for charitable purposes.

By the way, if you want to learn more about recycling and disposal alternatives for other stuff ranging from chemicals to computers to used motor oil, visit Earth 911. Enter your zip code and learn about local resources to help you recycle, reuse, or properly dispose of many items that could be damaging to the environment. You have to click quite a few times, digging deeper and deeper into the site to get to a list of resources, but it is easy and intuitive.

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Posted under: Stuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 03/28/2005 at 04:48 PM
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Recent German Visit

I recently visited the Agilent Technologies site in Böblingen, Germany where I worked for a couple of years back in 1983-1985. It is really hard to believe it has been 20 years! The afternoon I arrived in Germany, I drove to the town of Herrenberg where Lynne and I lived.

Here are some photos of Herrenberg. The first is a photo of the half-timbered buildings surrounding the town center. This is typical of the post and beam building style. Note the cobblestone streets, too.

Rick and Lynne Robinson, Fort Collins, Colorado

For more pictures, click on “More…”


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Posted under: Stuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 03/16/2005 at 05:28 PM
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Sunday, February 20, 2005

Alex Is Doing Great at Denver Shows

We have completed 2 days of the 3 days we plan to show Alex at the dog shows in Denver. There is a relatively small entry of boys, so we can’t win a major in boys. However, there are a lot of girls, and if he beats them by winning “Best of Winners”, he gets their points.

On Friday, he won Winners Dog, and earned 2 points. However, on Saturday he not only won Winners Dog but Best of Winners, too. So, he got a 4-point major!

Alltogether, so far he has won 6 points and the 1 major. We’ll see how things go today, Sunday, and I’ll update this post. Meantime, here is a photo of him from Saturday with his handler, Jeni, and the judge who gave him the major.

Rick and Lynne Robinson, Fort Collins, Colorado

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Posted under: Dog Stuff • by Rick on 02/20/2005 at 08:30 AM
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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Cabin Refrigerator

I can’t believe it has been a month since I posted anything to the web site! How time flies!

We have been spending every weekend at the cabin. The weather has cooperated, allowing us access throughout January. Here is a photo of our “cabin refrigerator”.

Rick and Lynne Robinson, Fort Collins, Colorado

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Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 02/09/2005 at 03:07 PM
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Monday, January 10, 2005

Rick’s Family Site

Today, I am introducing a new part of this web site. Over the past couple of years, I’ve collected a number of photos, letters, newspaper clippings and other “memorabilia” associated with my family on my mother’s side. I’m going to start publishing a lot of that to this web site. It will likely be of most interest to my immediate family, but others may enjoy browsing through it. And, historians or geneologists may get some use of it.

I’m starting this section with a post that I got double-spaced type-written among a bunch of other stuff from my mother. She has never seen or read it before, so we don’t know exactly who wrote it or why.

It is an amusing write-up of a parade and barbeque that locals in Ruidoso, New Mexico hosted to help celebrate the quarto-centennial of the state of New Mexico. That was in 1940, and it was called the Coronado Celebration in order to commemorate the opening of the Coronado State (National?) Monument that year.

Bill Hart, who ends up doing the barbeque, was my maternal grandfather’s brother—a local Ruidosoan who created and ran the local electrical utility at that time.

To read the story, click on “More…” below. To view old photos (and family members feel free to leave comments!) click here.

Have fun!


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Posted under: Rick's Family • by Rick on 01/10/2005 at 05:36 PM
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