“If you want to make peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies.” – Moshe Dayan
Monday, November 15, 2004
Catey Coyote
This weekend, at the cabin, we had a new visitor to the bird feeders—a coyote. We think it was a young female and we named her “Catey”. When she first visited, she did not come to the feeder, but circled it in a wide circle, then disappeared into the woods. But, about a half-hour later, she showed up at the feeder, eating the corn and peanuts that were scattered on the ground. She stayed around for almost an hour, while we took some photos and video. We made lots of noise the next time we took the dogs out for a walk!
For more photos, click “More…”
Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 11/15/2004 at 10:01 AM
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Monday, November 08, 2004
Lifetime Guarantee
We’ve been having a lot of trouble with our cookware lately. We purchased a “high end” set of Calphalon cookware back in 1985, or so. Lately, the anodized aluminum surface has begun to fade, the pans are much harder to clean, and they just aren’t cooking as well.
So, we decided a new set of cookware was a great candidate for a Christmas gift to ourselves.
We did some research and narrowed our choices down to another set of Calphalon or to switch to All-Clad. We visited the local Bed, Bath and Beyond to look into set configurations and prices and learned that we could get our money back on our original purchase of Calphalon because of their lifetime guarantee!
Posted under: Stuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 11/08/2004 at 10:58 AM
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Monday, November 01, 2004
Another Christmas Idea
Here is another great Christmas idea—and, one of the hottest “gadgets” of this Christmas season—a satellite radio receiver.
I just bought a Sirius Satellite Radio receiver along with docking stations for the car and the cabin. The hardware is pretty cheap, and you must subscribe to the service by paying a subscription fee—kind of like cable TV.
There are two choices for satellite radio systems: XM and Sirius. After investigating both I chose Sirius because of the diversity of music, NPR, and NFL games. There are about 60 channels of non-commercial music, plus plenty of news, information, weather, talk, sports, etc.
Satellite radio gives you access to all these channels anywhere in the continental US. So, our music choices at the cabin which were country, country, NPR and more country, now include many alternatives.
Check out www.sirius.com for more information on Sirius.
I bought my stuff at Best Buy, who carries both XM and Sirius systems.
If you travel a lot and want consistent access to music, news, weather, etc. Or, if you have a remote mountain cabin, or even want more music variety right in town, check out satellite radio as a Christmas idea.
Posted under: Stuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 11/01/2004 at 01:48 PM
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
Sam I Am is a Premier (Champion) Show Cat
Last weekend, Sam travelled with his breeders to Hastings, Nebraska for a cat show. He won his Premier title there. As I understand it, a Premiere title is the same as a Championship title, except for neutered cats. And, he will now go on to compete for a Grand Premier. (If I’ve got these cat titles confused, please post a clarifying comment. We are still learning the cat show vocabulary!)
Anyway, here is a photo:
For another photo, click More…
Posted under: Cat Stuff • by Rick on 10/21/2004 at 04:11 PM
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
SAILOR: New AKC Champion!
As promised, here is the photo taken when Sailor finished with a 4 point major in Lincoln, Nebraska. Jeni West did a brilliant job of handling him that day. Up to that time all his points had come from either Rick or myself doing our own handling. His AKC Champion Certificate came in the mail yesterday, so it’s official!
Posted under: Dog Stuff • by Lynne on 10/19/2004 at 12:57 PM
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