Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Posted by: Lynne

Snowy Range in Wyoming (field full of Sky Pilots)

We are in serious countdown mode now. One month from now we will be on the road! Boxes are sprouting up everywhere around us, as are stacks of things that are "organized." I went through the fridge and emptied all the glass containers of stuff I knew we wouldn't eat so they could go in the recycle today since we only have one more glass/can recycle day left. Yikes. The freezer is mostly emptied out except for a few packets of chicken thighs and a few other things. I stopped buying in bulk a while ago but we will still have lots of toilet paper left!

It seems unreal at this point. Is this really happening? The fuel oil delivery truck just came to top up the fuel tank and I quickly ran outside and asked him to only fill us about halfway since we were leaving soon. Can't forget to call and undo the propane delivery for the pool heater either.

I'm excited yet I'm a bit scared if you really want to know the truth. Will our cabin life dream be all that we hope it will be? It's easy to doubt when we haven't been there in almost a year but I know the minute we step foot into our little home all doubts will vanish. I know there are a lot of you out there that think we are crazy. After all, how many people want to live in a remote cabin with limited winter access 45 mintues from the nearest facilities of any kind? I was going to put up some kind of voting poll on the blog with the question "Are Rick and Lynne crazy to do this?" and then have two buttons for Yes or No but Rick can't figure out exactly how to make it work. Feel free to vote in the comment section of the blog (not on FaceBook, please) so we can keep track of just how crazy (or not) we are. I think it would be fun to see what you all think!

I can't wait to experience the full wildflower blooming season, and I hope it's a good one. For the past ten years (have we really lived in NJ that long?) we've only seen the very beginning of spring or the fall season depending on what time of year we did our vacation. My new camera will be getting a workout instead of just sitting here on my desk begging to be used. (I now have a Canon EOS 80D, new macro lens, new telephoto lens after trading in my old Rebel and assorted lenses.) 

My brand new fly-fishing rod is also waiting patiently to be used!

My head is spinning with all that needs to be done here: changes of addresss (we hope that goes smoothly but if you've kept up with Rick's failed mail service blogs you know we still have to work on it), turning off cable & phone, final sorting and arranging before the movers arrive, the arrival of the movers and them being here for two days, preparing for the estate sale, the estate sale for three days ... well you get the idea.

After this weekend we only have two more weekends before the movers come and they arrive the day after the second weekend so that one will be super chaotic.

Bring it on, I say! Let's get those SUV's rollin' westward!


SO exciting!  I’ve been following your blog for awhile now…if I could just get my wife to move West!

I think it’s great! But I want to hear from you after the first winter smile

Happy Trails


Steve, thanks for following!

Diane: me too!!!

Not crazy!!!!  I am so happy for you guys!

Debra, spoken like a true “Sand Creek-er!” smile You’d better stop in when you get up there!

Crazy in a great way….I’d do it in a heartbeat. Nothing better than being out enjoying the real world.

Follow your dreams. You’ve been delaying this day for 12 years ( at least) . Keep posting, and we’ll keep following you. wink  Sorry to see you guys go- but I understand your motives. From my point of view, the last 10years have been quite a ride.

I don’t think you’re crazy—I think you’re awesome to do this! It sounds like an amazing adventure. How could you NOT be a little nervous? You’ll undoubtedly deal with unexpected complications, but overall I’m sure this will be the experience of a lifetime.

Rick and Lynne, I look forward to meeting you up at SCP this summer. Been following your blog and loving it. Sue Falls

Thanks everyone for your kind comments!

Sue, hello! Stop by anytime and your bees are welcome visitors too!

You guys aren’t crazy just liv’in the dream. There is nothing that you can’t recover from. It is great living out west again. Tell all the folks in NJ how horrible it is with the snow and natives and whatever so they stay in NJ.

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“Giving is a necessity sometimes… more urgent, indeed, than having.” – Margaret Lee Runbeck


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