Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Receding Snowline

Posted by: Lynne

Unlike a receding hairline, a receding snowline is exactly what you want to see happening. Finally, the bench makes an appearance for the first time since January, with it's top line sticking out like a row of uneven teeth.

And here is what the bench looked like in the Fall.

Except for the top of our driveway, we can now drive on the roads all the way to town without any over-land detours. Up until yesterday we were still having to circumvent the drift caused by our neighbor's fence, but not anymore. Today Rick will borrow the tractor and dig out the upper driveway so we don't have to walk to the truck. No major snow is headed our way so we should be good for a while.

We do still have piles of snow. Melting piles, but piles never the less. (Notice the spring flag flying on the barn. We think it's working.)

We still have not picked up our new RV. We are hoping to pick it up next week if the weather cooperates. We want a wind-free day, dry roads and the best of possible conditions so we have a good first experience with it towing it home to its storage space in Laramie. Keep your fingers crossed because the wind so far this month is pretty constant and tends to be gusty.

We did manage a fun outing to Fort Collins (CO) to meet up with Destin's littermates and two breeders. We ate outside at a restaurant, sitting in the sun and having lunch and a few libations. Destin was amazingly good for his first time at this kind of thing and wooed the waitress out of a juicy slice of bacon and a bowl of water. He took this selfie of himself.

He got his first Big Boy Groom before heading out to meet with his breeders. We think he's looking mighty handsome!

And here are a couple of pics from the meet-up: in this one with co-breeder Sharon Keefer. Left to right: Virginia, Destin's sister, Pablo, his brother and Destin.

Another fun shot with two extra dogs that are not littermates but belong to Sandy Dunaway, his co-breeder. From Left to Right: Maven, Destin, Pablo, Virginia and Ilsa. I would say Sandy has her hands full, wouldn't you?

We had such a good time being in the Fort again that I think we'll be doing it again soon. Hopefully this next time we'll be able to meet up with some good friends.

Sorry for this long mostly dog-related post, but I wanted to get it down on the blog. I've posted most of these photos to Facebook, but as we all know is a fleeting thing for archiving memories.


Glad to hear that you are no longer cabin bound!

David, as of today, for the first time since mid-December, you can actually drive all the way from Laramie to our back door STAYING ON THE ROADS! Up till now you’d have to drive over prairie in one or more places. And, you had to park at the top of the driveway if you did get close to us. But, thanks to lots of melting, along with DL’s tractor, we can now park the truck at the cabin and drive on roads all the way to town.

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Quote of the Day

“An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head.” – Eric Hoffer


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