Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Friday, October 21, 2016

Destin: 7 Months

Posted by: Lynne

Destin continues to grow ... and grow! When we weighed him a week and a half ago he weighed in at 75 lbs. and I think he's had a growth spurt since then. He's taller than Hailey now, his head and bone are both bigger than hers. He still has a way to go to catch up with behemoth Bella, but heck, he's only 7 months old!

He continues to bring us joy each and every day with either his cuteness or mischief-making. He's getting better about coming in after he's been outside, but we are still working on that. He tends to get the zoomies and then he wants us to catch him. Not a fun game when the goal is to get him in the house. We were making great progress until the snow came into his life. Oh, what fun is that white stuff! Sigh. Otherwise, he's good as gold. Smart smart smart. Maybe too smart. He is well muscled from all the good exercise he gets with uneven ground, logs to jump over, space to run. All the world is his yard.

Trying to get him to hold still for his montly photos at Serenity Point are getting tougher and tougher. Especially those lap photos! At one year I think I will make a collage of all those pics taken month by month to show his growth. Should be interesting!

Plus, with my butt plunked down on this snow covered bench was no picnic, let me tell you.

Who knows what the landscape will look like for month 8!

Holding still was never his strong point.


Just noticed it on the blog after your comment…..he is HUGE! Next month maybe you could put a saddle on him and ride him around the yard! Just majestic.

Bigsis, yup he’s a big boy! smile

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“Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.” – Benjamin Franklin


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