Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Monday, November 14, 2016


Posted by: Lynne

Home Sweet Home

We think we are ready:

Wood all cut, split and stacked.? CHECK.

Woodshed painted? CHECK.

Winter tracks on the Ranger? CHECK.

Small shed insulated? CHECK.

T@B stowed away in her winter slot for better driveway access in snowy conditions? CHECK.

Rick's snowshoe stitched back up after varmit gnawed on it? IN PROGRESS.

Acrylic windows installed over screens on front porch? CHECK. (Working beautifully, I might add.)

Winter lay-in of supplies from Sam's Club purchased? CHECK.

The only thing missing is Ole Man Winter himself. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous for two weeks now. No wind, and clear blue skies. We've had some really pretty sunsets along the way as well.

Yes, we had some colder weather in October with a couple of dusting of snow, but nothing very significant. 

And so, we wait.


Well, at least you’re prepared! Those sunsets look beautiful. Love those high, icy cirrus clouds!

Gotta say, there aren’t a whole lot of people waiting eagerly for the first blizzard of the year! :o)

Maybe on Thursday!!!

Steve, gotta love the sunsets and sunrises up here!

Marty, well ... not exactly eagerly awaiting being snowed in, but a a little snow would be be nice! smile

Chad: YES!!!!

Beautiful, but we need moisture!!!!

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Quote of the Day

“Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing.” – Oscar Wilde


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