Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Posted by: Lynne

Shedding!? No, not the dogs or cat, but shedding stuff. Going through a household of things that haven't been used or looked at since we moved here nine years ago is not an easy task. Sorting, packing, throwing things away, etc. It's not much fun but it has to be done. I must admit that bits of it are rewarding:

1) I have a big box full of Berner things that I am donating to various Bernese Mountain Dog fundraisers. On April 2 I will meet with someone coming from Maine and heading down to Pat Long's area. We are meeting not far from my house. I like the thought that I've got some really good things in there that should raise good money for them.

2) I sorted through my stash of knitting yarn and found a bunch that has never been used, the skeins never touched, that I don't want anymore. I called my local knitting store and they said to contact an assisted living or elder care home. So I contacted the Chelsea here in town (a lovely place!) and they were thrilled to accept the donation, so I dropped it off yesterday. Now I can imagine my yarn helping someone with arthritic hands through knitting therapy.

3) Today a took a marionette that I bought in Germany some 30-odd years ago when we lived there to our town library. She is wooden and dressed in a striped housedress and white eyelet apon. She has a mobcap on her head. I've always thought the expression on her face was rather creepy to tell you the truth. She's just been sitting in a box since before we moved to New Jersey. I figured that they might like to have it for their story hour. Oh my goodness! The librarian who presides over the children's part of the library was totally enamored of my little hausfrau. She was so excited — she just kept hugging her and telling me all the things she would be great for during story hour, one of which I thought was perfect: Mother Goose!  She was truly grateful and seemed to hardly believe her good luck. I felt so good about her having a good home where she can be useful. (I just hope the kids don't find her as scary as I did.)

All these things that I donated will go on to give their own particular piece of joy to someone. And for that I am so glad.

Shedding can be a good thing!


Wow!  What great donations and all to worthy causes…
That makes it so worth it to get rid of things you don’t want/need/haven’t even see in a long, long time. Hopefully this will inspire me!

Good job Lilsis!

If certainly made me feel good!

How wonderful that your cast-offs turned into someone else’s joyful treasure! I like that you found the right home for your stuff instead of just dropping it off at the Goodwill like I usually do.

Susan, we take most of our “stuff” to Goodwill as well. It’s just that some things are put to better use elsewhere and if I can think of a use I pursue it! All my books have gone to the “Friends of the Library” here in our town to be put in their annual book sale.

Absolutely! I love purging stuff, and like you, I always find it encouraging to think it will be useful to someone else.

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