Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Thursday, February 04, 2016

The Happening

Posted by: Lynne

Hey, life, look at me
I can see the reality
'Cause when you shook me, took me out of my world
I woke up
Suddenly I just woke up to the happening ~ The Supremes


Yikes. It's happening. It's really, truly all starting to happen. 

We found out last week that the buyers had qualified for their loan on the house. They also were asking how we felt about the closing date. Right now it's set for May 12th, but if they closed in April that would save a good amount in interest rates. We told them to go ahead and do what they needed to do to get the lower interest rate and we would figure it out. We proposed the idea of closing, then renting back from them for a month until we can be more certain of getting in to the cabin and Rick's jobs ends. We've not heard back so we are assuming that all is going as planned. Our buyers have been wondeful in working around our weather and time contraints. Very accomodating.

That's the other thing: Rick turned in his resignation letter to the company the other day. His final day is May 13th.

Like I said, it's happening.

On Friday we have two different estate sale companies sending out someone to look at all that we will be selling when we move. We've decided this is the quickest and easiest way to get rid of all the things we are not taking with us, which is a considerable amount of furtniture, some antiques, and things that just are not going to fit in with our lifestyle anymore. The cabin is already furnished, albeit in a "cabinesque" style, but it's things we like having around us. Some of it is flea market finds, while others American Furntiture Warehouse delivered.

We don't want to have to store a lot of furniture not knowing if and when we will be living somewhere other than the cabin. We've learned after many moves that furniture does not store well. And why drag it around with us like a tortoise with its shell? We are giving it a lot of thought and not just making snap decisions. Once in a while we will decide to move something to the "go with us pile" from the sell pile. Hopefully we won't have any regrets when it's all said and done.

Time seems to be flying by now.


Happy for you guys because this is what you’ve dreamed for…but sad for me.  It’s way too far away….

Sounds like everything is moving right along and I hope it continues to go well.  This seems to be meant-to-be!

Thanks, sis but you’ll just have to come and visit!

How exciting to have it HAPPENING! (I’m not sure I ever knew the words to that Supremes song, by the way.)

As for the stuff, it’s just stuff. If there’s any doubt about keeping it, I say sell. Easy for me to say from this great remove, but I’ve done a lot of cleaning things out in my day, and that’s my approach!

Steve, those opening lyrics were the only part that fit for this blog post! Rick says he’s never heard of it before! You and Rick are on the same page, when in doubt, sell!

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Next entry: I Take it Back

Previous entry: La Vie en Rose ... or maybe not


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Quote of the Day

“Middle age is when you’ve met so many people that every new person you meet reminds you of someone else.” – Ogden Nash


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