Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Friday, December 23, 2016

Destin’s Downhill Slalom

Posted by: Lynne

On the way up.

Destin has been known for his death-defying feats since he was just a wee pup. He loves the challenge of climbing UP. Our big drift is developing on Avalanche Slope and Destin couldn't leave it alone. What follows is a photographic journey of what goes up, must come down.

Look Mom & Dad, I made it to the top!

King of the Drift!

Gosh, it's kind of steep here ...

Okay, here I go ... time to come down!

Just a few little trees, nothing I can't handle.

See? Easy-Peasy!

Gosh, that was fun, even if I did give Mom & Dad heart failure. 


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Quote of the Day

“The future will be better tomorrow.” – George W Bush


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