Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Not Much Happening (on the Game Cameras)

Posted by: Rick

A neighbor recentlly made the observation that the number of game shots he was getting on his game cameras had dropped significantly since hunting season started. I agree. Normally after a week, I'll have many hundreds of photos on a game camera. Most are triggered by wind, but there would be a few shots of deer, moose, elk, squirrels, birds and sometimes exotic creatures like mountain lions or cows. But, over the past few weeks, nothing.

His theory is that trespassing hunters are flushing the game off our property. My theory is that the animals somehow know it is hunting season and have gone elsewhere. Whatever the reason, scanning the shots from our game cameras has been pretty boring lately.

Still, I can be surprised sometimes as I'm clicking through the hundreds of shots. For example, the next two shots were "back to back" on one game camera.


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“Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the back and, instead of bleeding, he sings.” – Ed Gardner


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On This Day...

  • Nothing today
