Off the Grid  Retirement at our remote log cabin in Colorado

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Forensics of a Fall

Posted by: Rick

I've gone over it in my head a few times and between my recollection, Lynne's description, and the scrapes and bruises on my body, I think I have a pretty good idea of what happened yesterday.

But first, the promised description of dinner. We had a dish from the Union Square Cafe. You might find it interesting that this restaurant is on Union Square in New York City! We've eaten there a time or two and really enjoyed it. And, they published a cookbook many years ago from which we got this recipe. It is called Momma Romano's Baked Lemon Chicken. Follow the link to the recipe. We paired it with some homemade bread and some roasted baby potatoes. 

It was delicious. Maybe the best ever. I've come to realize that our best dishes are usually the ones where we take a lot of care and time in preparation and cooking, using the best ingredients we can find or afford, and cooking with "love". All the cooking competitions on TV are timed. I think this makes us think we can prepare a delicious meal in 30 minutes. And, maybe a pro chef can. But, taking over 2 hours to make this lemon chicken dish really paid off in flavor. So, since you may have plenty of time on your hands nowadays, I recommend taking your time with the next meal you prepare. Prepare all the ingredients with care ahead of time. Take time and care in the cooking process And, pour a bit of love in on top!

Home made bread

Mama Romano's chicken, still in the pot

Okay, back to the forensics of the fall. I had Natalie on a flexi-lead in my right hand, so she was fully extended out in front of me, about 15 feet. She was squeeking a bit at the dog across the street, but was still walking forward and I was so proud of her I let her have the full length of the lead. Within a second, she decided to reverse course, running at an angle across the street, covering about 30 feet in a second or two. She is over 100 pounds, and that is a lot of mass moving very quickly.

Before I knew what was happening, she hit the end of the lead and pulled me across my body and out into the street. The next second or two happened in slow motion. Based on the scrapes on my knees, hands, shoulder and face, here is what we think happened. I fell, twisting my body to the left. I hit the ground with my knees first, probably letting go of the lead at that time. I put out my left hand to brace the fall, and crashed into the ground with my right shoulder followed a millisecond later by the right side of my head. My glasses frame shattered, cutting into my skin some. I think I bounced a time or two.

Anyway, I am sore, but okay today. My left wrist is particularly sore. But, a couple of aspirin and I'm good to go.

The plan for today is to pick up a grocery order at Safeway, hoping they had everything we needed. It wasn't much, but just a few small staples that one usually doesn't think about planning ahead for--yeast, for example. We've added a few things to the list based on meal plans for the next few days, so we may (or may not) forage for those things.

Be safe!


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“Use your enemy’s hand to catch a snake.” – Persian Proverb


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