“Never trust the advice of a man in difficulties.” – Aesop

Monday, October 11, 2004


Woot.com is a fun web site that you should visit every day. It is a very different kind of eCommerce site. They sell exactly one item each day at a very discounted price, until the day ends or it is sold out, whichever comes first. A new item is listed on their web site every night at midnight. Really good deals often sell out within a few hours.

I’ve seen everything from T-shirts to toys to laptop computers for sale there. I’ve never bought anything from the site, the stuff I’m interested in usually sells out quickly and I’m not about to stay up till midnight to see what’s new!

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Posted under: Stuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 10/11/2004 at 09:13 AM
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Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Two Shoes: June 1984 - September 27, 2004

Rick and Lynne Robinson, Fort Collins, Colorado

Sadly, we had to finally say good-bye to the cat that has shared our lives for twenty years. Two Shoes had been failing in health since April and during the last two weeks had really started to show her age. We decided her quality of life had deteriorated to the point of no return when Rick found her on our gas stove at the cabin with her fur smoldering. She didn’t even know she was about to burst into flames! We had to make the difficult decision to euthanise her.

Two Shoes came to us at the same time as a very good friend of ours: Piper Worcester. We had just returned from living in Germany and we not yet moved into our new home. Our dog, Manda and cats Patches and Pud were all staying at the local pet kennel. I saw this gorgeous white and black cat with seven toes on her feet (instead of the normal five) in the cage next to our cats and found out that she was a stray and was destined for the Humane Society. Piper, who was at that time a groomer at the kennel, had found her wandering lost near her cabin in Allenspark. No way was that cat going anywhere but home with us! And so began her journey through life with us.

And what a journey it was…she came with us on our moves to the Netherlands and then France. She had to learn to understand Dutch and French when she went to the pet kennel! Most recently in her life the only travelling she did was to our mountain cabin every available weekend.

Rest well, sweet kitty. We shall all miss you.

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Posted under: Cat Stuff • by Lynne on 10/05/2004 at 05:56 PM
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Saturday, October 02, 2004

Sailor Wins His AKC Championship!

Lynne just called me from Lincoln, Nebraska where she took Sailor to a dog show. He won a 4-point major and that is enough for him to get his championship!

When she gets back and we get his show photo, I’m sure she’ll post a more detailed article on Sailor’s web site.

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Posted under: Dog Stuff • by Rick on 10/02/2004 at 04:35 PM
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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

What Kind of Country Do We Live In?

The majority of Americans favor the extension of the assault rifle ban. A majority of Republicans favor this extension. A majority of Democrats favor the extension. Even a majority of gun owners favor the extension on a ban of assault guns. Yet, the current Republican-led congress will not send an extension request to a Republican President who has promised to sign it.

All because of the enormous lobbying power of the NRA.

I believe in the right for Americans to bear arms. While I don’t hunt, I certainly believe people should be able to hunt. I believe most hunters are honest, moral people who view hunting as a sport that involves skill and patience. They don’t need assault rifles to hunt.

I believe people have a right to defend themselves in their homes and on their property. But assault guns are not defensive…they are, well, ... assault guns.

There is no legitimate reason for these guns to be legal in the U.S. They are only of value to terrorists, drug dealers and other criminals. And, our Republican leadership in Congress wants to see them manufactured, sold, and used in America.

Step back from the emotional issues associated with this and think about what kind of country intentionally arms criminals, drug deals and terrorists.

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Posted under: Stuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 09/08/2004 at 06:59 PM
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Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Agaricus Silvicola—For Breakfast

There were fewer mushrooms at the cabin than we expected on Labor Day weekend. Still, Lynne found a patch of these beautiful agaricus silvicola.

image on home page

We chopped this one up and had it as a part of a bacon and cheese omelette on Sunday morning. For another photo, click “More…”


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Posted under: Cabin NewsMushroom Articles • by Rick on 09/07/2004 at 09:47 AM
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