“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” – Epictetus

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Millennia’s Christmas

I just posted a movie of Millennia opening her Christmas gifts on Christmas morning, 2004. Because of low-light conditions, the movie appears to be in black-and-white. And, there is no sound. Have a look!

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Posted under: Dog Stuff • by Rick on 01/04/2005 at 04:47 PM
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Friday, December 24, 2004

Catey Coyote Movie

A female coyote visited the cabin on 14 November and again on 26 November. She was attracted to our bird feeder. On the second visit, she sparred with a courageous magpie.


Here is a movie of “Catey”, as we named her. The movie is about 45 seconds long, is 1.2Mb in size and will be 320X240 pixels on your computer monitor.

You must have the Apple Quicktime player to view the movie. To download the player go to http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download.

Watch Movie

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Posted under: by Rick on 12/24/2004 at 03:24 PM
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Saturday, December 18, 2004

Our Christmas Tree

Here is our new Christmas tree, all nicely decorated by Lynne.



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Posted under: Stuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 12/18/2004 at 04:44 PM
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Thursday, December 16, 2004

Alex Wins Points in Pueblo

Here is a photo of Alex after winning Winner’s Dog and 2 points toward his championship at Pueblo, Colorado late in November. Jeni West, center, handled him.


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Posted under: Dog Stuff • by Rick on 12/16/2004 at 05:02 PM
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Christmas at our House

Lot’s going on for Christmas at our house. As usual, we are doing things for “us” and for the house as opposed to things for “each other”.

First, we decided to go with an artificial tree this Christmas—just don’t like the idea (and recurring expense) of a live tree each year. So, we bought a 10’ tall, very realistic looking, pre-lit, artificial tree. It looks great, but getting it put up was a challenge. It comes in 4 sections, some weighing, probably, 50 pounds. I strained my back and it still hurts a week later. Still it is beautiful. Lynne decorated it with a lot of our traditional ornaments, the cats play with it, the dogs pee on it. Life is good.

Second, we decided to make the plunge into High Definition TV. That has involved buying an HD TV, then moving from Comcast cable to DirecTV satelite and subscribing to some HD channels. For more information on this gift from Santa, click on “more…”


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Posted under: Stuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 12/16/2004 at 10:43 AM
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