“It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in an argument.” – William G. McAdoo

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Bella at the Beach

Recently we had a chance to visit very dear friends at their NJ shore house--recently restored after damage from Sandy. We were able to take the dogs. And, we were especially curious about how Bella would react to the ocean. She does like to wade in water, but had never seen salt water with waves.

Here is a video of the experience:

Tags:  dogsbellaalexhailey
Posted under: Stuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 06/04/2013 at 04:58 AM
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Busy Week

It has been a busy week. My mother flew out to visit us for Memorial Day. The weather was awful--rainy and cold. She flew from El Paso to Houston with the plan to take a plane from there to Newark where we'd pick her up on Thursday evening. Her flight into Newark was canceled because of the weather here, and she was rerouted to San Francisco and from there to Newark! She arrived on Friday morning very tired. But, as she said, she'd seen three oceans in one day! 

That first weekend was cold and rainy and we even had fires in the fireplace on a couple of nights.

Then the weather improved and we were able to get out and about.

On Sunday we did a food tour of NOLITA in New York City. We barbequed on Memorial Day. We visited the 911 Memorial Site during the week. We took a few drives, cooked good food, hung out around the newly opened pool and generally had a great time. On her last day here we went to Warwick Valley Vineyards for a tasting and lunch.

All in all, a great visit.

She is now home having taken uneventful flights yesterday. And, I assume she is settling back into her normal routine.

Tags:  familyat-homeactivities
Posted under: Stuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 06/04/2013 at 04:50 AM
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Monday, May 20, 2013

2013 Pool Opening

Opened the pool today. More later, I am sure!

Tags:  at-home
Posted under: New JerseyStuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 05/20/2013 at 06:53 PM
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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Can, Must, Should

Just want to capture this thought before I lose it:

When dealing with customers and "unusual" situations in business, you must make a decision about what to do.

  • You can do what you "must" do, based on contracts, agreements, legalities
  • You can do what you "can" do, which may be the best you can do
  • You can do what you "should" do, based on what feels right and what you would want if you were the customer
Tags:  thoughtsbusiness
Posted under: The Business World • by Rick on 05/15/2013 at 09:48 AM
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Lynne and I discovered this great service that is now available in the NYC area--luckily that includes us.

It is a service that works a bit like a book club. Only, instead of books their product is dinner. It is called Plated and you can learn more at http://www.plated.com/invites/e013c9. (If you decide to try them out later, please use this link to access their site. That way, I get credit for your referral and maybe a free plate!)

Here is how it works. Each week you get an email describing four or five different meals that will be available the following week. You can go to their web site any time to learn more about the next week's meals. If you want to try one or more, you can select them and have them delivered to your door on Tuesday. You must select at least 4 plates and they must be selected in pairs. So, when Lynne and I use this service, we select two meals from those available and then order two of each. Plates cost about $15 each. 

The really great part is that you get everything you need to make the meal (well except some staples like olive oil, flour, salt and pepper.) It all comes in a box with every ingredient pre-measured and packaged. Just follow the simple instructions that are included and in less than 1/2 hour, you have an excellent meal. 

The recipes can be kept and recreated later (but you must do the shopping.)

If you join as a member an pay a monthly fee (I think it is $10) then you get a discount on each plate (that more than pays for the membership.) And, you will get a preselected set of meals each week unless you go online to cancel (or call or send an email.) This is where it is a bit like a book club. Lynne and I have the membership, but most weeks I cancel the proposed meals and either select our own or select nothing. After all, we really don't need two meals a week from them.

But, if you ever have those weeks where you just can't decide on what you want to shop for and eat, this service is helpful because the recipes are varied, always good, and very, very easy since everything is delivered ready to cook.

Check it out!

Tags:  food
Posted under: New JerseyFood and Cooking • by Rick on 05/15/2013 at 09:15 AM
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