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View double boiler

Category:Tools & Equipment
Using a double boiler is the best way to control the temperature of your milk and curds.

Buy two large stainless-steel pots. One should hold about 3 gallons, the second should hold 2 gallons with a little room to spare. The smaller pot should have handles that act as supports when it is placed in the larger pot.

Fill the large pot halfway with water and bring that water to the desired temperature of the milk. Fill the smaller pot with your milk (usually 2 gallons for most home recipes) and gently place it in the larger pot. The water in the larger pot should come up to within an inch or two of the rim—it may take some experimentation to determine the proper starting water level.

Now, place a thermometer in the milk and also one in the water. Keep the water at, or just above, the desired milk temperature by slightly heating the water on your stove. The milk will slowly come to the same temperature. If you need to hold the milk at a particular temperature, having it in the pot of water really helps.

This is a great way to gently heat milk and hold milk or curds at a specific temperature.
